Why the price jump from $7 to $8?
Hopefully by the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding why our prices HAD to increase... or we would've gone out of business.
We want to GROW!
I wanted to start being more transparent about things behind the scenes at Hagwood Soap Co. because I believe our story and lifestyle, alongside us having a small brand vibe is what makes us, well... us. (Amazing, best soap company ever, you get the point)
We've been selling our soaps at $7.00 for a little while now, and while i'm sure you guys love it, and while we love giving you the lowest price possible, it just wasn't feasible long term. You see, when we handcraft these little bricks of soapy goodness you enjoy so much, we fork out some cash for the highest quality ingredients possible, which makes our COGS (Cost of goods sold; aka how much we spend on making the soap) jump up pretty high.
While we do make enough to pay for more ingredients for the next batch, we don't make enough to pay for MULTIPLE batches ahead of schedule. Hence why our soaps are always out of stock. We have to wait until our inventory is almost completely gone to re order ingredients, which then takes about 1-2 weeks to arrive, then we have to make the soap, and by then you have ran out of your favorite soap! NO BUENO!
By increasing our soaps to $8.00 a bar, it allows us to use that extra money to buy ahead of schedule. Meaning we will always be in stock on our site! We have never had that opportunity and for those OG customers out there, you understand the pain just as much as we do. By increasing our soaps by $1.00, that will also give us the opportunity to start buying in larger quantities, which makes for a cheaper overall cost. "Okay well yeah thats good for you, more money, but what about me?" Good question... and the answer isssss! *cue drum roll*
It's like the circle of life or some shit like that. It alllll comes back around to benefit both parties in the future.
If you've made it this far, I'm guessing you do care about our small brand and THANK YOU for that. That's badass. You're a badass. You badass you. Anywho... we want to increase the amount of exposure our little company gets. Imagine this, you're heading to Bass Pro Shops to pick up some gear for this seasons hunting season, or maybe some tackle for your next fishing trip and you stumble across your favorite soap (US!) in Bass Pro Shops! How badass would that be? Plus, you wouldn't have to pay for shipping which means you'll actually be SAVING money.
This isn't an easy feat. They get new products pitched to them hourly. But if we were able to advertise our soaps on Facebook and other social media platforms (not organically), that would increase our customer base, thus increasing the odds of us running a successful campaign of getting our soaps in your favorite shops (Whole foods, we are waiting).
We would also like to start hiring employees and expanding into a new shop. You see, I tend to use the term "we" a lot. But in reality, it's just me, myself and I running this business. From ordering, production, shipping, website building, marketing, finances, customer service, legal and everything else under the sun. It's hard to build a company when you're working IN the company rather than working ON your company. I'd rather be able to hire hard working Americans, provide them a salary to support their own family.. the whole nine. You know, the American Dream kind of shit. That drives the hell out of me.
We simply can't do that on $7.00 a bar. So please, I hope you understand where this is coming from, and that it's not coming out of no where. Your extra $1.00 really does make a night and day difference when it comes to growing our company. You guys and gals are what drives this company forward, we just make the soap. This is YOUR brand, you live it everyday. The GET DIRTY lifestyle. You guys rock, and thank you for your support.